Class | Description |
AddPrefixRoleMapper<T extends AddPrefixRoleMapper<T>> |
A role mapper definition for a role mapper that adds a prefix to each
AddSuffixRoleMapper<T extends AddSuffixRoleMapper<T>> |
A role mapper definition for a role mapper that adds a suffix to each
AggregateEvidenceDecoder<T extends AggregateEvidenceDecoder<T>> |
An evidence decoder that is an aggregation of other evidence decoders.
AggregateHTTPServerMechanismFactory<T extends AggregateHTTPServerMechanismFactory<T>> |
A http server factory definition where the http server factory is an
aggregation of other http server factories.
AggregatePrincipalDecoder<T extends AggregatePrincipalDecoder<T>> |
A principal decoder definition where the principal decoder is an aggregation
of other principal decoders.
AggregatePrincipalTransformer<T extends AggregatePrincipalTransformer<T>> |
A principal transformer aggregating more principal transformers.
AggregateProviders<T extends AggregateProviders<T>> |
An aggregation of two or more Provider[] resources.
AggregateRealm<T extends AggregateRealm<T>> |
A realm definition that is an aggregation of two realms, one for the
authentication steps and one for loading the identity for the authorization
AggregateRoleMapper<T extends AggregateRoleMapper<T>> |
A role mapper definition where the role mapper is an aggregation of other
role mappers.
AggregateSASLServerFactory<T extends AggregateSASLServerFactory<T>> |
A sasl server factory definition where the sasl server factory is an
aggregation of other sasl server factories.
AggregateSecurityEventListener<T extends AggregateSecurityEventListener<T>> |
An aggregation of two or more security event listener resources.
AuthenticationConfiguration<T extends AuthenticationConfiguration<T>> |
An individual authentication configuration definition.
AuthenticationContext<T extends AuthenticationContext<T>> |
An individual authentication context definition.
CachingRealm<T extends CachingRealm<T>> |
A realm definition that enables caching to another security realm.
CertificateAuthority<T extends CertificateAuthority<T>> |
A certificate authority definition.
CertificateAuthorityAccount<T extends CertificateAuthorityAccount<T>> |
A certificate authority account definition.
ChainedPrincipalTransformer<T extends ChainedPrincipalTransformer<T>> |
A principal transformer definition where the principal transformer is a
chaining of other principal transformers.
ClientSslContext<T extends ClientSslContext<T>> |
An SSLContext for use on the client side of a connection.
ClientSslContext.ClientSslContextResources |
Child mutators for ClientSslContext
ConcatenatingPrincipalDecoder<T extends ConcatenatingPrincipalDecoder<T>> |
A principal decoder definition where the principal decoder is a concatenation
of other principal decoders.
ConfigurableHTTPServerMechanismFactory<T extends ConfigurableHTTPServerMechanismFactory<T>> |
A HTTP server factory definition that wraps another HTTP server factory and
applies the specified configuration and filtering.
ConfigurableSASLServerFactory<T extends ConfigurableSASLServerFactory<T>> |
A SaslServerFactory definition that wraps another SaslServerFactory and
applies the specified configuration and filtering.
ConstantPermissionMapper<T extends ConstantPermissionMapper<T>> |
Definition of a permission mapper that always returns the same constant.
ConstantPrincipalDecoder<T extends ConstantPrincipalDecoder<T>> |
Definition of a principal decoder that always returns the same constant.
ConstantPrincipalTransformer<T extends ConstantPrincipalTransformer<T>> |
A principal transformer definition for a PrincipalTransformer that always
returns the same constant.
ConstantRealmMapper<T extends ConstantRealmMapper<T>> |
Definition of a constant RealmMapper that always returns the same value.
ConstantRoleMapper<T extends ConstantRoleMapper<T>> |
A role mapper definition where a constant set of roles is always returned.
CredentialStore<T extends CredentialStore<T>> |
Credential store to keep alias for sensitive information such as passwords
for external services.
CustomCredentialSecurityFactory<T extends CustomCredentialSecurityFactory<T>> |
A custom credential SecurityFactory definition.
CustomEvidenceDecoder<T extends CustomEvidenceDecoder<T>> |
Definition of a custom evidence decoder.
CustomModifiableRealm<T extends CustomModifiableRealm<T>> |
Custom realm configured as being modifiable will be expected to implement the
ModifiableSecurityRealm interface.
CustomPermissionMapper<T extends CustomPermissionMapper<T>> |
Definition of a custom permission mapper.
CustomPrincipalDecoder<T extends CustomPrincipalDecoder<T>> |
Definition of a custom principal decoder
CustomPrincipalTransformer<T extends CustomPrincipalTransformer<T>> |
A custom principal transformer definition.
CustomRealm<T extends CustomRealm<T>> |
A custom realm definitions can implement either the SecurityRealm interface
or the ModifiableSecurityRealm interface.
CustomRealmMapper<T extends CustomRealmMapper<T>> |
Definition of a custom RealmMapper
CustomRoleDecoder<T extends CustomRoleDecoder<T>> |
Definition of a custom RoleDecoder
CustomRoleMapper<T extends CustomRoleMapper<T>> |
Definition of a custom RoleMapper
CustomSecurityEventListener<T extends CustomSecurityEventListener<T>> |
A custom security event listener.
DirContext<T extends DirContext<T>> |
The configuration to connect to a directory (LDAP) server.
FileAuditLog<T extends FileAuditLog<T>> |
An audit logger that logs to a local file.
FilesystemRealm<T extends FilesystemRealm<T>> |
A simple security realm definition backed by the filesystem.
FilteringKeyStore<T extends FilteringKeyStore<T>> |
A filtering KeyStore definition.
HTTPAuthenticationFactory<T extends HTTPAuthenticationFactory<T>> |
Resource containing the association of a SecurityDomain with a
IdentityRealm<T extends IdentityRealm<T>> |
Realm definition for a realm which contains a single pre-defined identity.
JaspiConfiguration<T extends JaspiConfiguration<T>> |
Resource containing the JASPI ServerAuthModule configuration for the servlet
JDBCRealm<T extends JDBCRealm<T>> |
A security realm definition backed by database using JDBC.
KerberosSecurityFactory<T extends KerberosSecurityFactory<T>> |
A security factory for obtaining a GSSCredential for use during
KeyManager<T extends KeyManager<T>> |
A key manager definition for creating the KeyManager as used to create an
KeyStore<T extends KeyStore<T>> |
A KeyStore definition.
KeyStoreRealm<T extends KeyStoreRealm<T>> |
A security realm definition backed by a key store.
LdapKeyStore<T extends LdapKeyStore<T>> |
A LdapKeyStore definition.
LdapRealm<T extends LdapRealm<T>> |
A security realm definition backed by LDAP.
LogicalPermissionMapper<T extends LogicalPermissionMapper<T>> |
Definition of a logical permission mapper.
LogicalRoleMapper<T extends LogicalRoleMapper<T>> |
A RoleMapper definition for a RoleMapper that performs a logical operation
using two referenced RoleMappers.
MappedRegexRealmMapper<T extends MappedRegexRealmMapper<T>> |
Definition of a RealmMapper implementation that first uses a regular
expression to extract the realm name, this is then converted using the
configured mapping of realm names.
MappedRoleMapper<T extends MappedRoleMapper<T>> |
A RoleMapper definition for a RoleMapper that performs a mapping based on
configured map.
MechanismProviderFilteringSASLServerFactory<T extends MechanismProviderFilteringSASLServerFactory<T>> |
A SaslServerFactory definition that wraps another SaslServerFactory and
enables filtering of mechanisms based on the mechanism name and Provider name
and version.
PeriodicRotatingFileAuditLog<T extends PeriodicRotatingFileAuditLog<T>> |
An audit log definition for persisting an audit log to a local files rotating
the log after a time period derived from the given suffix string, which
should be in a format understood by java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.
PermissionSet<T extends PermissionSet<T>> |
Definition of a permission set.
Policy<T extends Policy<T>> |
A definition that sets up a policy provider.
PropertiesRealm<T extends PropertiesRealm<T>> |
A security realm definition backed by properties files.
ProviderHTTPServerMechanismFactory<T extends ProviderHTTPServerMechanismFactory<T>> |
A http server factory definition where the http server factory is an
aggregation of factories from the Provider[]
ProviderLoader<T extends ProviderLoader<T>> |
A definition for a Provider loader.
ProviderSASLServerFactory<T extends ProviderSASLServerFactory<T>> |
A sasl server factory definition where the sasl server factory is an
aggregation of factories from the Provider[]
RegexPrincipalTransformer<T extends RegexPrincipalTransformer<T>> |
A regular expression based principal transformer
RegexValidatingPrincipalTransformer<T extends RegexValidatingPrincipalTransformer<T>> |
A regular expression based principal transformer which uses the regular
expression to validate the name.
SASLAuthenticationFactory<T extends SASLAuthenticationFactory<T>> |
Resource containing the association of a SecurityDomain with a
SecurityDomain<T extends SecurityDomain<T>> |
A security domain definition.
ServerSslContext<T extends ServerSslContext<T>> |
An SSLContext for use on the server side of a connection.
ServerSslContext.ServerSslContextResources |
Child mutators for ServerSslContext
ServerSslSniContext<T extends ServerSslSniContext<T>> |
A server side SNI Aware SSLContext that selects between an underlying context
based on the provided SNI name
ServiceLoaderHTTPServerMechanismFactory<T extends ServiceLoaderHTTPServerMechanismFactory<T>> |
A http server factory definition where the http server factory is an
aggregation of factories identified using a ServiceLoader
ServiceLoaderSASLServerFactory<T extends ServiceLoaderSASLServerFactory<T>> |
A sasl server factory definition where the sasl server factory is an
aggregation of factories identified using a ServiceLoader
SimplePermissionMapper<T extends SimplePermissionMapper<T>> |
Definition of a simple configured permission mapper.
SimpleRegexRealmMapper<T extends SimpleRegexRealmMapper<T>> |
Definition of a simple RealmMapper that attempts to extract the realm name
using the capture group from the regular expression, if that does not provide
a match then the delegate RealmMapper is used instead.
SimpleRoleDecoder<T extends SimpleRoleDecoder<T>> |
Definition of a simple RoleDecoder that takes a single attribute and maps it
directly to roles.
SizeRotatingFileAuditLog<T extends SizeRotatingFileAuditLog<T>> |
An audit log definition for persisting an audit log to a local files rotating
the log after the size of the file grows beyond a certain point and keeping a
fixed number of backups.
SslSession<T extends SslSession<T>> |
A currently established SSL session.
SyslogAuditLog<T extends SyslogAuditLog<T>> |
An audit logger that sends audit events to a remote syslog server.
TokenRealm<T extends TokenRealm<T>> |
A security realm definition capable of validating and extracting identities
from security tokens.
TrustManager<T extends TrustManager<T>> |
A trust manager definition for creating the TrustManager[] as used to create
an SSLContext.
X500AttributePrincipalDecoder<T extends X500AttributePrincipalDecoder<T>> |
Definition of a X.500 attribute based principal decoder
X500SubjectEvidenceDecoder<T extends X500SubjectEvidenceDecoder<T>> |
An evidence decoder that derives the principal associated with the given
evidence from the subject from the first certificate in the given evidence.
X509SubjectAltNameEvidenceDecoder<T extends X509SubjectAltNameEvidenceDecoder<T>> |
An evidence decoder that derives the principal associated with the given
evidence from an X.509 subject alternative name from the first certificate in
the given evidence.
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